Home Veterinary Euthanasia

At After Life Vets, we understand the importance of comprehensive and respectful support during farewell moments. Our home veterinary euthanasia service offers not only a complete in-person consultation but also careful management of the cremation and transportation of your pet to the crematorium, ensuring thorough care at every stage.

We Come to Your Home

Book Your Appointment Now

Telephone Support and Decision Making

Before the consultation, we offer telephone guidance to help you with the difficult decision of euthanasia, providing emotional support and comprehensive information.

In-Home Consultation

In the comfort and familiarity of your home, we offer an in-person consultation, providing a serene environment for your pet in their final moments.

Quality of Life Assessment

Our veterinarian will conduct a detailed physical examination to assess your pet’s condition and quality of life, ensuring care based on their well-being.

Respectful Sedation and Euthanasia

If we decide to proceed with euthanasia, we ensure a smooth and painless process for your pet, using sedation for their comfort.

Cremation and Transportation Management

Entendemos la importancia de cuidar los detalles finales con amor y respeto. Ofrecemos el servicio de gestionar la incineración y el transporte de tu mascota al crematorio, asegurando que se maneje con la dignidad que se merece.

Ongoing Emotional Support

We offer ongoing emotional support, standing by your side through every stage of the grieving process.


At After Life Vets, we are committed to offering services of the highest quality. If you are not completely satisfied with the service received, you are entitled to a refund.

For more details about our refund and cancellation policy, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

Basic Pack

Unlimited time
  • Travel
  • Consult
  • Sedation + Euthanasia
  • Unlimited Time
  • Cremation Management
  • Body Transport
  • Cremation

Full Pack

Everything your companion needs
  • Travel
  • Consult
  • Sedation + Euthanasia
  • Unlimited Time
  • Cremation Management
  • Body Transport
  • Cremation

Premium Pack

Your welfare matters
  • Travel
  • Consult
  • Sedation + Euthanasia
  • Unlimited Time
  • Cremation Management
  • Body Transport
  • Individual Creamation
  • Ashes Back
  • Grief Specialist Consult


Resolve Your Doubts

About Euthanasia

When the veterinarian arrives at your home, they will assess the animal’s condition.

Once assessed and the decision to proceed with euthanasia is made, sedation or anesthesia will be administered. This involves a first injection that the animal will hardly notice, and depending on their size, it will take 10-20 minutes for them to gradually fall asleep.

Once sedated/anesthetized, the euthanasia drug will be administered via the most appropriate route, a procedure that generally takes less than a minute.

Although the medical procedure itself takes about 20-30 minutes, it is carried out without haste. Both before and after the euthanasia, caregivers can take all the time they need for a moment of privacy with their beloved pet.

No. It is a treatment that uses medications similar to those used in anesthesia. Therefore, the only thing your pet might feel is the first injection, which is very mild, and then they will fall asleep as if it were an anesthesia.

Recognizing the right time for your dog or cat’s euthanasia is a difficult but important decision. Look for signs of pain or discomfort in your pet, such as loss of appetite, inability to move, deteriorating quality of life, and continuous suffering despite treatment. Consult with your veterinarian to assess your pet’s situation and determine if euthanasia is the best option to end their suffering.

Preparing your home for the euthanasia of your dog or cat is an important step to ensure that the process is as peaceful and respectful as possible. Choose a comfortable and familiar place where your pet feels safe, such as their favorite bed or a spot they like to rest in. Ensure the area is free from noise and distractions to create a serene environment. It is advisable to have some of their favorite belongings, such as toys or blankets, on hand to provide extra comfort. Additionally, invite any people who wish to say goodbye to be present, as long as this does not cause additional stress for your pet. Finally, have tissues and an impermeable surface or extra blankets ready if needed, and prepare emotionally to be by their side throughout the process.

During the home euthanasia of your dog or cat, you can expect to receive compassionate and professional service from the veterinarian. The procedure will be carried out with utmost care and empathy, aiming to ensure the well-being and comfort of your pet. The veterinarian will start by explaining the process and answering any questions you may have. Then, they will administer an injection that will induce a deep and peaceful sleep in your pet. Finally, your pet will pass away peacefully while sleeping, without feeling any pain or discomfort. It is important to remember that being present throughout the procedure will allow you to say goodbye to your pet in a familiar and comforting environment, which can provide solace to both you and your pet during this difficult time.

During your pet’s at-home euthanasia, the veterinarian will be there to provide comprehensive and compassionate support. In addition to performing the procedure with professionalism and care, the veterinarian will be available to answer your questions, provide information about the process, and offer emotional comfort during this difficult time. Your veterinarian understands the depth of the bond between you and your pet, and will do everything possible to make the experience as peaceful and comforting as possible for both you and your beloved pet.

After saying goodbye to your pet through at-home euthanasia, it’s important to take the time you need to process your loss and honor your pet’s memory in a meaningful way. Consider creating a personalized farewell ritual, such as burying your pet in a special spot in your garden or holding a memorial ceremony in their honor. If you choose cremation, research available options and select the method that best fits your wishes and needs.

Remember, it’s completely normal to feel sadness and grief after losing such a beloved family member. Don’t hesitate to seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups to help you through this challenging grieving process. Your veterinarian can also provide additional resources and guidance if needed.


About Cremation

When it comes to pet cremation, the available options typically include individual cremation and communal cremation.

In individual cremation, your pet is cremated alone, ensuring that you receive their ashes back. This process allows you to keep your pet’s ashes as a tangible remembrance.

In communal cremation, multiple pets are cremated together, and the ashes are not returned to the owners. This option is often more economical but does not allow for the individual recovery of your pet’s ashes.

Choosing between these options depends on your preferences and how you wish to memorialize your pet.

The main difference between individual cremation and communal cremation is the process and the final destination of the ashes. In individual cremation, your pet is cremated alone, ensuring that their ashes are returned to you in a commemorative urn. This process provides a personalized way to honor and remember your pet. In contrast, in communal cremation, pets are cremated together and the ashes are not returned. This option is often more economical, but the ashes are not available for preservation or scattering.

The process of pet cremation involves placing the body of your dog or cat in a specially designed cremation oven that uses high temperatures to break down the organic remains. It is essential to ensure that the cremation service provider is reliable and respectful, guaranteeing a dignified and humane process. You can research the facilities, ask for references, and request information about their practices and procedures. Make sure to clearly communicate your wishes and expectations to the provider to ensure a respectful and careful process for your pet.

Yes, many cremation service providers offer additional services to help you honor your pet’s memory in a meaningful way. These services may include recovering the ashes in a personalized commemorative urn, creating an online memorial where you can share memories and photos of your pet, or even the option to plant a tree in their honor. Some providers also offer paw print impressions or the creation of memorial jewelry with a small amount of your pet’s ashes.

The cost of cremating a dog varies depending on several factors:

  • Weight of the Animal: Larger animals generally have a higher cremation cost.
  • Type of Cremation: Individual cremation, where only your dog/cat is cremated and their ashes are returned to you, is more expensive than communal cremation, where several animals are cremated together and the ashes are not returned.
  • Location: Prices can vary by region and the pet funeral service company you choose.

Generally, the individual cremation of a dog/cat can cost between €150 and €400, while communal cremation is more economical, with prices ranging from €50 to €180.

The cremation time for a dog depends on several factors:

  • Size of the Animal: Larger animals generally take longer to cremate than smaller animals. This is because they have more body mass and therefore require more time to completely disintegrate.
  • Crematory Capacity: Crematories with higher capacity can cremate several animals at once, which can reduce the wait time for each pet.
  • Type of Cremation: Individual cremation, where only your dog or cat is cremated, usually takes longer than communal cremation, where several animals are cremated together. This is because the crematory needs to heat up and cool down for each individually cremated animal.

In general, the cremation of a pet can last between 1 and 3 hours.

Your pet’s ashes will be available for delivery after the cremation. However, the delivery time may vary depending on the pet funeral service company you choose.

Factors influencing delivery time:

  • Oven Cooling Time: After cremation, the oven needs time to cool down before the ashes can be recovered.
  • Preparation of the Ashes: The ashes are ground and placed in an urn or similar container.
  • Administrative Processing: The pet funeral service company needs to process the necessary paperwork for the delivery of the ashes.


In general, your pet’s ashes will be available for delivery between 1 and 7 business days after cremation.